You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Entering Invoice Lines - Standard > Enter Invoice Line - Subassembly
Enter Invoice Line - Subassembly

Use this option to inquire on or maintain the contents of a sub-assembly. This menu option is only enabled if the item being sold is a sub-assembly.

You can only maintain the contents of the sub-assembly if the kitted item has a Sub-Assembly Type of "Dynamic Component List" in the Inventory master file – see "File - Inventory - Kit".

  1. Display the Enter Invoice Line screen.

Refer to "Entering Invoice Lines - Standard" or "Entering Invoice Lines - Supply Chain (v2.8)".

  1. Select SUBASSEMBLY.

Micronet displays the Sub Assemblies screen. For sub-assemblies with a static component list, there are no Add or Delete buttons on this screen.

  1. For sub-assemblies with a dynamic component list, if you want to:

If you selected to add or edit an item, Micronet displays an abbreviated version of the Enter Invoice Line screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Item Number

If you are adding a component item to the sub-assembly, enter the item ID. You can also press Tab or Enter to select an item.

If you are maintaining a component item, Micronet displays the item ID.


Item Description

Micronet displays the description of the selected item.



Micronet displays the warehouse from which the item will be supplied from the Invoice Header screen.


Sales Person

Micronet displays the salesperson entered against this invoice from the Invoice Header screen.


GST/Sales Tax

Micronet displays the GST or sales tax applied to this item.



Micronet displays the buy price for the item from the Item master file – see "File - Inventory - Sell Price".


Free Stock

Micronet displays the quantity of the item available.


Qty to make one

If you are adding an item, enter the quantity of the component item required to make up one sub-assembled item. For example, if you are adding wheels to a bike sub-assembly, you would need 2.

If you are maintaining an item, Micronet displays the quantity.


Notional Quantity

Notional quantities are used where the sales quantity is different to the ordered quantity for orders – for example, for meat supplies where orders are in quantities and sales are in kilograms, etc.

This field is only enabled if the Use Notional Quantities field on the Inventory Configuration screen is set to Yes – see "Edit - Program - Inventory".



Micronet displays the default selling price for the item according to the settings in the Debtor master file. This may be the debtor default price, a contract price, the price calculated according to a discount matrix or a special price. Note that the contract price always overrides the debtor default price, discount matrix and special price. For more information on how Micronet calculates prices, see "How MDS Calculates Prices During Order Entry".

You can change the price if you have the appropriate user access. Select the price break for the item; Micronet displays the selected item price. If you select Nett in this field, you can enter a fixed price in the Nett Price field.

You can only change invoice pricing if the Override Invoice Pricing field on your user ID is set to Yes – see "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 4. MDS Security". If you do, details are stored in the Price Override Audit file for management reporting purposes


Nett Price

Micronet calculates the net price based on the debtor/item pricing matrix. If you selected Nett in the Price field, you can enter a fixed price.


Technical Tip

You need to be aware of whether your net prices include or exclude GST – for more information, see "Edit - Program - Tax".



Micronet displays any discount that applies to the component item for this customer. This could be set as a discount matrix in the Debtor master file, as a debtors contract price or as a special price. You can enter a discount or change the discount displayed if required.

Note that this discount on the component item is in addition to any discount applied to the main sub-assembled item.


Discount Type

If you entered a discount in the previous field, select the discount type. Options are:

  • Percentage – the specified percentage of the total item value
  • Dollar – the specified amount in dollars
  • Cents – the specified amount in cents
  • Per Packet Price – this option is not used
  • % of Order – the specified percentage of the total order value.

GP Percentage

Micronet calculates the gross profit percentage using the values in the Cost, Price and Discount fields.

If you want to set your GP percentage based on a different cost price from an alternate supplier, select the GP button – see "Enter Invoice Line - GP".


Sub Assembly Discount

Micronet displays the $ amount of the discount applied to the component item's discounted price.

For example, say you have a men's bicycle that is made up of 1 frame, 2 wheels and 2 brakes. The bike normally retails for $200 but there is currently a 10% discount on these bikes. Additional discounts are also applied to the individual component items. The prices and discounts on each component item would be calculated as follows:


Sell Price

Component Discount

Discounted Price

Sub Assembly Discount

Final Component Price



5% ($5)

$95 ($100 - $5)

$9.50 (10% of $95)

$85.50 ($95 - $9.50)



5% ($4)

$76 ($80 - $4)

$7.60 (10% of $76)

$68.40 ($76 - $7.60)





$2 (10% of $20)

$18 ($20 - $2)


Line Total

Micronet displays the total value of the final component price as shown in the previous example (i.e. the quantity x the price minus any discounts), plus any GST or sales tax applicable.

  1. Optionally, you can perform the following actions on the component item:
  1. When you have finished adding or maintaining the item details, select the Accept button.

If you added an item to the sub-assembly, Micronet redisplays the Enter Invoice Line screen so you can add further items to the sub-assembly.

  1. When you have finished adding items to the sub-assembly, select the Cancel button.

Micronet redisplays the Sub Assemblies screen listing the items you added.

  1. When all the items in the sub-assembly are displayed on the Sub Assemblies screen, select Ok.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Invoice Line screen.